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Behind the Voice: How Gridspace Curates Data to Create the Perfect AI Voice
Sep 09, 2024

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At Gridspace, we take immense pride in our virtual voice assistant, Grace. The voice you hear when interacting with Grace is a product of our dedication, creativity, and a meticulous data curation process that we've developed from scratch. If you’ve ever been struck by how natural and lifelike Grace sounds, you’re not alone. It’s a testament to our team's hard work and our innovative approach to building a voice assistant that feels incredibly real.

Crafting a Voice from Scratch

Creating a voice assistant like Grace isn't as simple as plugging in some algorithms and hoping for the best. It's more akin to an intricate art form, combining technology with human touch. We started with a blank slate, designing Grace’s voice from the ground up, and this process was far from magical—it required a robust and well-curated data set to get it right.

The journey to develop Grace’s voice began with understanding that a voice assistant needs a large volume of high-quality voice data. We needed many hours of recordings, filled with the nuances and subtleties that make speech sound natural and engaging. How many hours exactly? Well, let’s just say it was enough to fill up a few marathons!

The Art of Data Collection

Our approach to data collection was influenced by best practices from the animation industry, where voiceovers are a craft of their own. We meticulously designed a bespoke writing and recording process, which allowed us to capture a range of vocal expressions that we envisioned for Grace. This wasn’t just about quantity; the quality of the data was crucial.

For example, if we had used recordings from a podcast host, Grace’s voice might have sounded more like a podcast host than a professional customer service agent. Instead, we focused on capturing a voice that was professional, courteous, and enthusiastic—traits that align with our vision of an ideal virtual assistant.

Optimizing the Recording Process

As we continued with our recordings, we didn’t just stick to a static process. We constantly refined and optimized our approach, drawing on new insights and advancements in voice technology. This dedication to improving our methods ensured that Grace’s voice could evolve alongside advancements in the underlying technology, such as large language models that power Grace’s interactions today.

Maintaining consistency while expanding Grace’s voice data set is a top priority for us. Each new recording is carefully curated to preserve the high standards we've set and to keep Grace’s voice in harmony with its original character.

Experience Grace Yourself

We invite you to interact with Grace at and experience the voice we’ve poured so much effort into perfecting. Your feedback is invaluable to us—whether it’s through a conversation with Grace or by sharing your thoughts directly with us.

At Gridspace, we believe that creating a virtual assistant involves more than just technology; it’s about understanding human communication and replicating its nuances in a way that feels genuine. Grace is a result of our commitment to blending innovation with a personal touch, and we’re excited to continue refining and enhancing her voice.

Feel free to give Grace a try and let us know what you think. After all, your input helps us keep improving and ensures that Grace remains a voice you can rely on and enjoy interacting with.